Digital Access Policy

  1. Mobile Devices and Digital Gadgets:
    1. Employees are prohibited from using personal cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, USB drives, or other digital gadgets during working hours.
    2. Digital gadgets must be deposited at the reception before entering the office premises.
    3. Exceptions may be granted for essential work-related tasks with prior approval from the supervisor.
  2. Social Media Platforms:
    1. Employees are prohibited from accessing personal social media platforms during working hours.
    2. Limited access may be granted for authorized social media accounts required for work purposes, subject to supervisor approval.
  3. Monitoring and Recording:
    1. Employees should be aware that their work computers may be monitored and recorded for security, productivity, and compliance purposes.
    2. Monitoring may include but is not limited to web browsing activity, email communication, and software usage.
    3. Personal and private activities should not be performed on work computers to maintain data security and privacy.
  4. Office Communication:
    1. Employees are encouraged to use the office landline for official communication and external calls whenever possible.
    2. Personal calls should be limited and kept to a minimum to avoid disrupting productivity.
  5. Accessing Digital Gadgets:
    1. Employees may retrieve their digital gadgets from the reception area during designated break times.
    2. Please note that the company will maintain records of accessing personal digital gadgets for security and accountability purposes.