Tunein-Cast & Radio

TuneIn-Cast: Empowering Voices Worldwide

Sakthi Controller, TuneIn Broadcast Logo
Unleash the power of your voice with TuneIn-Cast, the premier icecast-based broadcasting app. Tailored for authorized individuals, TuneIn-Cast provides a global platform to share your content freely and connect with a diverse audience. Explore the features that make TuneIn-Cast the go-to choice for global voice broadcasting:

Click/Scan to Download
Sakthi Controller, TuneIn Broadcast playstore QR code
  • Global Reach: Reach audiences worldwide with the freedom to broadcast your content to a global community.
  • Diverse Content: From podcasts to live shows, TuneIn-Cast supports a variety of content, ensuring a rich and varied listening experience.
  • Seamless Connection: Connect with voices from around the world, transcending geographical boundaries for a truly global experience.
  • Discover New Voices: Explore a world of content creators, each with a unique perspective. TuneIn-Cast celebrates diversity in every voice.

Join TuneIn-Cast today and be part of the global conversation. Your voice matters!




TuneIn-Radio: Your Gateway to Audio Excellence

Sakthi Controller, TuneIn Radio LogoIntroducing TuneIn-Radio, the ultimate streaming app designed for a rich and immersive audio experience. Whether you’re into Icecast channels or exploring existing internet streams, TuneIn-Radio offers a seamless platform for personalized listening. Check out the key features that set TuneIn-Radio apart:

Click/Scan to Download
Sakthi Controller, TuneIn Radio playstore QR code
  • Versatile Streaming: Enjoy a diverse range of content with support for Icecast channels and various internet streams.
  • Program Details: Dive deeper into your favorite programs with detailed information for a curated listening experience.
  • Notification Alerts: Stay connected with seamless streaming. Receive notifications for streaming events and program highlights.
  • Background Play: Immerse yourself in your favorite content while the app runs smoothly in the background.
  • Personalized Listening: Tailor your experience with support for Icecast and various internet streams, ensuring a unique and personalized journey.
  • Diverse Content: Beyond Icecast, TuneIn-Radio opens the door to a world of content from existing internet streams.

Download TuneIn-Radio now and elevate your streaming journey. Your gateway to a world of audio excellence awaits!